Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year's Resolution
"Simple, but saves me from food poisoning."
Happy 2009!
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
"May your dreams come true."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A New Year is Beginning
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
Friday, December 26, 2008
X'mas Dinner at Our House
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
And to everyone, have a wonderful holiday!
"I love Christmas!"
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Which One??
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Baby Visiting

Close up of Baby Ruth.

Hubby with Baby Ruth.

Me with Baby Ruth.
Can't wait for her to grow up!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Right, We Speak Singlish
These were the inputs from some of my foreign colleagues. It is disheartening to hear these comments. But they are still picking up English from me. While I don't disagree with what they were saying, it has taken me years before I can learn to appreciate the "beauty" of speaking Singlish.
It is warm. And it is especially so when speaking it to a fellow Singaporean. It sort of closes up the gap with people. I seemed more approachable, not high and mighty and more familiar. And it is so easy to identify someone as a Singaporean when all he/she has to do is to speak the language, Singlish.
But it is still important to learn to speak the standard form. As for Singlish, no need to learn lah. It comes naturally.
"If we can't change it, flaunt it."
Friday, December 12, 2008
My Christmas Tree and LCD TV

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Babies of December...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Looking Forward...
... to my 40-inch LCD TV tomorrow.
Bought it at SITEX last friday, it's a steal at 1499SGD. Free gifts include a 7.5KG washing machine, a home theater system and a digital camera. Heh heh heh.
The fridge and bean bags will also be delivered tomorrow. Can't wait. I'm TV-less, fridge-less and chairless for 4 days now. My living room emits an echo when I talk. Cool.
"The start of my cosy home."
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saving the Earth or Saving your Ass...?
Inside the ladies' toilet, there is a notice to inform everyone that from xxNov08 onwards, the facilities will cease to provide the hand towel paper, as part of their cost saving exercise, and to save the earth. To save the earth, hmmm.... Why can't they do that earlier? Why do they even want to save the earth now, when tons and tons of hand towel paper were already used?
Then, they would switch off most of the lights in the canteen, pull up the blinds to get natural light to come in. That's good too. But the problem is, they only do this at night. There is no natural light at night. Period. And in the morning when the sun is high and shining, they switch on all of the lights. Hmmm...
I wish they can stop using the "save the earth" thingy when what they want to save is money. It's making me very uncomfortable.
"Save the Earth my ass."
Monday, November 24, 2008
AFA08 and the Stupidity of One Amateurish Photographer
I had committed a mistake so grave, that every single photographer, amateur or professional, would be laughing at me --- I forgot to charge my batteries.
And there I was, happily arriving at Suntec Convention, fishing out my DSLR, snapping away and when I saw that deadly signal (flat batt), I was out cold. I had thought it was just a technical issue, maybe the battery grip's contact wasn't so good. So I took out the grip and inserted it back and voila! ok again. But I knew things were not right when I had to do the same thing over and over again. In the end, I threw in the white flag and choose to use my mobile phone instead. Again, the same thing happen to my phone.
... Why didn't I check if the batteries are charged? Why did I assume that they can last, since I did not charge them after I came back from my Cambodia trip? Why does this have to happen to me? I was so psyched about this event. Nevertheless, here are some shots before both my camera and mobile phone died on me.

Suigintou -- Rozen Maiden

Naruto gang.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sick Every Rest Day
Why am I sick every rest day? Can't even enjoy my rest days for even once. First, mild food poisoning, then itchy rashes, and now, flu. Getting weaker and weaker.
"I don't feel so bad now."
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It's Sunny Again...
as the clouds give way to the clear blue skies. Everyone is well and life is wonderful again. And I can eat normally again, how nice.
"It's a great start."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I've Failed...Terribly...
I brought my hubby to some 鳥不拉屎 place and now he's down with suspected food poisoning. He has been vomiting and diarrheaed non-stop since the last day in Cambodia.
I should have placed his safety and health as the number 1 priority, before anything else. I really regretted going there. I am so sorry.
I hope he will be well soon.
"It's all my fault."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thank You Everyone!
It's finally over. Suddenly I just felt so light. All the stress and burden were gone from my mind and body. Everything turned out well. I'm glad. And I apologized for not giving any "thank-you" speech during the banquet, though we had initially planned to do so.
But personally, I would like to thank all the guests for gracing our wedding. It was such a memorable and touching experience for me. You cannot imagine how touched I was when one of my poly friends delayed his flight just to attend my wedding, and how ecstatic I was when 2 of my best friends from secondary school showed up and give me hugs (but no kisses).
And all my friends who turned up for the wedding with well wishes and blessings and of course, ang baos, I really thank you all.
To my sisters who had helped me, I couldn't thank you gals enough. Never mind about the broken house key, I hoped you gals had as much fun as I did. I thoroughly enjoyed myself very much.
And of course, the brothers, thank you for accompanying my Hubby, doing all the stupid things. And for doing such a great job arranging the guests for photo taking.
And to those whom I had left out, thank you.
"Luckily marriage is a one-time thing."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Counting Down...
Tomorrow collect photo album.
The day after collect flowers and car deco.
And on the 12th, the actual day.
"Not particularly excited. Just normal."
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The World is Just Awesome!!
"Boom De Ah Dah...Boom De Ah Dah..."
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Best
Is it ok to think that I am the best, and those who feel that I am not, are people too engrossed in their own worlds, thinking about their own benefits?
Is it not ok to just praise me for the work that I have done, even if it's just a little?
"But I still feel that I am the best."
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Shopping for Mum's Clothes + The Kids

Went shopping for my mum's clothes yesterday. But my nephew and niece were at our house so we had no choice but to bring them along. Hubby promised to take care of them.
My father and Hubby brought the kids to the toys department and I helped my mum chose her dress for my big day. Then we proceeded to buy a pair of shoes, for my mum. We took about an hour and half doing our shopping. And I would like to think that the kids were having fun too.
We had dinner at McDonald's and we took a cab home after that. I was too exhausted. But we still had a little fun taking pictures inside the cab. Axl really knows how to make faces!
"They are such nice kids."
Monday, September 1, 2008
Have Some Crab and Pie

Big quarter chicken pie

Claypot crab bee hoon

The quarter pie is almost as big as my face!

Nice crab...
Me and Hubby headed straight to this place near China Square(exit from spinelli to your right) called Don's Pie, after work, after hearing from my supervisor Don. I think it is supposed to be a pie shop but it also sells crab bee hoon. Not bad, better than XO crab bee hoon, in my opinion. It has a mild herbal taste which I love it, and the crab meat is very sweet.
The pie is served piping hot and has a very peppery taste, complete with chunks of chicken, potatoes, hard-boiled eggs and a buttery pastry crust.
Let's try the black pepper chicken pie the next time.
"And I bought a 3-in-1 pack of Justice Lords action figures consisting of Superman, Batman and Hawkgirl. Huzzah!"
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I had a dream this morning.
I dreamt that all the photos that I took for my wedding album were disastrous and I even demanded the photographer to take them all over again.
How shallow, my dream.
"I can't stand myself sometimes."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
"One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim."
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Satin Ribbon Roses
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A Sneak Preview
Friday, August 8, 2008
Be Yourself
Some tried to be crazy, others tried to be noisy and wacky. But I really have to say that all these might help in their interpersonal relationships. But they are not showing their true faces. Or rather, they will selectively show their true colors to certain people.
How tiring is that? Very, from my point of view. I cannot imagine myself, being a hot-tempered and straightforward being as I am, would want to act demure and gentle and approachable and soft spoken. Practically mission impossible.
Personally, I don't find anything wrong in being yourself, expressing your thoughts through your own mouth and acting just the way you are. You just need to look around, and those friends who are still by your side are probably the ones who have accepted you for the way you are. They have probably spent enough time discovering your strong points, and trying hard to ignore your weaknesses. Those who cannot accept you shouldn't even be called "friends". More like acquaintances.
So live life the way YOU want, not others.
Be yourself. Be happy. Be confident.
"Nothing is as tiring as trying to be a different person from who you really are."
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Have Fun

Found a website that incorporates your photos with some effects. Fun though.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
I Would Have Saved...
Because I cannot imagine a day lived without him. As for my parents, they will grow older and eventually pass away. The only person left to take care of me and to grow old with me will be my hubby.
"When you are really in love with that special someone, that's what you will do."
Monday, August 4, 2008
Who Would You Save?
Give this hundred-year-old question a deep thought.
Think hard about it and I will give my answer tomorrow.
"It is a very serious question, so answer it with the same intensity."
Thursday, July 31, 2008
No Budget
I hate budget airlines.
I used to love them. They provide cheap air fares and a chance for me to travel around SEA and the Asia Pacific. But now, I really hate them. I mean, cheap fares are still coming in but I don't have the kind of money to keep up!
From SG to Perth only 300+ dollars! I really regret booking next year's trip to HK.
"If I only I strike TOTO..."
Friday, July 25, 2008
Work, go home, sleep. Work, go home, sleep.
I'm not sure if I like this lifestyle. Time for a break, perhaps? *giggling*
"Time for plan B."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
PS: It's Killing Me
Yesterday's photo shoot was killing me. I was still chatty when my MUA was doing my makeup. We talked and gossiped from anything to everything. But when it was "Lights, camera and action!", I really wished things weren't so difficult. I could hardly breathe and always sighing(don't know why). Those poses were not your average poses. And I don't even know how the pictures were going to turn out. So, as the day progressed I was getting more and more silent. I didn't want to talk unnecessarily.
And I thought we could finish all the shooting yesterday. But it had to rain. We couldn't do outdoors because of that. So we had to arrange for another day to do the outdoor shoot. The "another day" would be National Day. The lady boss said that we could take fireworks. I was so happy. It was a blessing in disguised.
"Looks like I would have to endure another day of thick makeup and ultra hard hairdo."
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
小妹's Wedding Dinner
Wish me luck.
And tomorrow morning still have to work!!
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious--that's what I say to warm up my tongue."
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
I feel as though an energy had been sucked out of my body.
I feel restless. I feel hopeless.
Even chocolates didn't manage to perk me up. But I want to break free of this feeling. How?
"So many things have changed in just a matter of days."
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
While waiting for a Bus...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sweet Memories in the Form of Photographs
I just spent some 20 minutes flipping through some old photographs. Some are childhood photos, some are primary school photos, secondary school photos, and some photos taken during my poly days.
And as I browse through these photographs, I can't help but giggled to myself. Man, do I look like a dork or what??! I looked so different back then. And all those friends that I had. We had basically stopped contacting each other since the beginning of time, and when I looked at the photos, it makes me wonder how they look like now. I can't even remember some of their names.
But the fun of looking at old photos is that, it sort of brings you back to the past, just like old times. It's like a record of your life at that moment. And it brings joy and sweetness whenever you re-visit it.
Now I know why I like photo-taking so much.
"I will continue shooting no matter what."
Friday, June 20, 2008
Normal... Or Not?
I'm not used to working in the normal shift. I meant, more like I missed my night shift work. My hubby, my friends and colleagues are all in night shift.
I can't wait for my training to conclude and I can go back to my night life. For now, I'll just have to "bear" with being normal.
"You know, I can't watch the Euro Cup because of that."
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Time Machine
A lot of people would love the idea of a time machine. They would be able to travel back to the past, amend things that they could have done, or things that they regretted doing, or saved their loved ones from death. Or travel to the future to have a glimpse of what things might become. There are a lot of reasons of wanting a time machine, aren't there?
I would love to have one too. I keep thinking to myself that, many of times. I would then go back to my school days and study really hard, graduate from university and get a really nice job and stuff. And if it still fails, I can always go back in time. Is it not? But would I have grown and mature?
People are afraid of making mistakes. That's why they need a time machine, to transport them to where they had flawed, and then make amendments. But who doesn't err? Doesn't that make us human? Then there wouldn't be history to learn from, right? We would just be living our lives over and over again.
So sometimes I wonder if this thing, having a time machine, is good or bad. Maybe it is possible to be made, but then maybe the inventor is also considering the consequences that this invention would bring. It's best then, not to invent this machine at all. Whatever it is that we do, do with it with your heart and soul and mind. Don't fret over it.
"Do what you feel is best, but don't fret over your mistakes. No one is keeping track if them. Be simple, be natural, and you will come close to being who you really are."
"The past is past. If your past goes back ten years, or ten thoussand, what difference does it make? You are alive now. Don't worry about past lives. Don't worry about future lives. Live now, enjoy."
Friday, June 13, 2008
And I can't think of anything that is worth waiting for this year...
Isn't that ... sad?
No participation, no anticipation.
"And that damned flu is coming back again, leaving me nose-blocked!"
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A Changed Person
I personally do not believe that any relationship between a man and woman that went hay wired, would cause someone to change drastically, personality especially.
To me, these people are just making excuses, that their past relationships made them this way or that. Come on, who never suffer from a broken heart? A lot did. But how many people made it through anyway? A lot did.
I totally cannot understand and do not tolerate people who try to act unreasonably just because they had a difficult relationship. Like, a woman has to act like a bitch because her ex cheated on her. Or, a man has to cheat the money out of all the women he met because his ex was such a person. You don't have to be revengeful.
If everyone uses this as an excuse, I think the world will be a very unpeaceful place to live in.
"Enough said."
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Weak, selfish, lecherous... I mean some of the men, not all. They should just burn in HELL!!
"If all guys are bad people, make sure you got the rich one."
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Symptoms of Pre-Mature Aging??
Feels like it's shrinking.
Memory hasn't been very good. It feels like I couldn't remember anything at all. Like the contents of a book, not even the gist of it, straight after I had finished it. Or a dorama(J-drama), or a movie, etc, etc, etc... I, in particular, couldn't remember faces, especially those Japanese artistes. I even lost 2 bets to Hubby, in two separate occasions, trying to identify actors or actresses that acted in a certain dorama. I even boasted 100% certainty, which of course, was wrong.
Am I not concentrating enough? Or have I succumbed to old age(certainly not, right?)? So now is a good time to tell me your secrets and conspiracies, because I might not even remember them after I turn my head away.
"The only thing I would probably still remember is, revenge, or the likes of it. Haha."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
My Sh***y Days...
But then, I won't be a winner in any of these situations, will I?
"Wait till I struck ToTo..."