Friday, November 20, 2009

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Decisions. Some are difficult to make. But in the end, you will still need an answer, a resolution. I guess this is for the good of everyone. I mustn't be selfish. If I can't take it, then I will make another decision. I think I can make it. I have the confidence to do it right. The rest is up to God. I hope everyone will be nice to me. I can do it.

"Praying hard."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We Can Do Our Part...

... by raising awareness about the killings of whales by the Japanese on the pretext of research.

I've been a fan of the cetaceans since secondary school days. I remembered I would purchase cheap reference books that were often on sale at Popular with the spare pocket money that I had left. I wanted to understand them better. I find them fascinating, beautiful, and somehow, they are the only creatures which I find close to my heart.

I remembered the time I had my 1st encounter with the bottlenose dolphins at SeaWorld Gold Coast, Australia. Although it wasn't a closeup encounter, it was a dolphin show which almost left me in tears. I can never forget the time I saw them leaping into the air in unison. I was fighting back my tears. It was after all, the very first time I saw a dolphin live in front of me, not from books or television.

I was touched.

But I also love the whales. I knew that illegal whaling took place long ago, and it was so rampant that some species of whales were threatened with extinction. It wasn't until some whaling laws were passed that whale numbers began to grow, but slowly. Even now, some whales are still in the danger of extinction.

I had the opportunity to watch a Discovery Channel program recently, called Whale Wars. It was about how the Sea Shepherd, which is a non-government environmental organization, tried to stop Japanese whaling fleet from whaling in the Antarctic waters.

No matter how controversial the Sea Shepherd's methods might seem, I think they are doing the right thing. Even though the Japanese claimed that whaling is for research purposes, but hey, their ship is armed with processing and packing factories that could process the whale meat and ship them immediately to the Japanese markets. So where does the research come in? All load of bullshit!

God, I love Japan and all her cultures and cuisine, but if there is one thing I hate about them, it's got to be their whaling business. So to all those who read this, please tell your friends and families or anybody you know about the situation. Here's the site for more about what the Sea Shepherd does.

"Remember to click the banner on top!"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fed Up...

So fed up with what's happening at work. Keep changing, keep revamping, keep reorganising. Everyone is treating this company like their fathers own it.

"Eat rubble everyone!"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Everyday A Challenge

I have plans about what to do but I just can't seem to get it done. Everyday is a challenge because I don't know who I will meet, with whom I am going to have a conversation. Yes, even talking, speaking is a challenge nowadays. One wrong word and that could be the end.

I wish I could seclude myself from this world...

"There must be something that can be done."