Sunday, March 3, 2013

Too Quiet for a Celebration

Ok this is it. I have had enough.

Ever since the Amy Cheong saga, the malay weddings around my neighbourhood had been extremely quiet! Seriously, I swear that if I had stayed home the whole day I wouldn't even know there was a wedding ongoing! The music was too soft for goodness' sakes!

Not just my neighbourhood, but some nearby neighbourhoods as well. I wondered if this was due to the AC saga? If so, then as a Chinese, I have only this to say: This is your f**king wedding!! You can make all the noise if YOU want to!! It's only for a day or two nobody would mind! True blue Singaporeans wouldn't mind.

Like now, the one at my void deck, they weren't even blasting the music! No karaoke neither(ok maybe there is but too soft)! My only consolation was the bikers entourage that made some noise for a mere few minutes and then followed by the playing of the traditional drums. I swear, malay weddings were much more fun BEFORE the AC saga.

So to all my malay brothers and sisters, if you had chosen to have a quiet wedding, I will respect your decision. But if you are worried about complains from the likes of AC, then please, I will only say that this is your right! If TCs were worried about the noises they wouldn't have granted you the place to hold a wedding! Forget about people like AC who cannot appreciate the beauty of our cultures and traditions. It's your wedding day. YOU call the shots.

Update: There is karaoke! Woohoo!!