Friday, November 30, 2007

Dear Telemarketer...

1. I am not your girlfriend, boyfriend, father or mother. If I missed your calls I missed your calls deliberately, so don't try to call back every half hour.

2. Just in case you don't know, well I don't supposed you do, I work the night shift, i.e I need to sleep during the day, so don't go round trying to call me in the morning when I was about to slip into a slumber, or afternoon when I was in deep sleep, or any other minute of the day for that matter.

3. Please keep using private numbers because I now barred annonymous calls.

4. If I rejected your offer, please don't ask me why.

5. And if I rejected your offer again, please don't tell me how good your product is because that is not the point.

6. And if I rejected your offer politely, you are lucky. But God knows when you will be out of luck. Maybe the next phone call to me.

7. And hello dear telemarketer, please don't ask if I have a minute to listen to your crap because I will surely say NO!

8. If I answered your call in silence, please don't try to do the same. It will only irate me even more.

9. If you can't get through my handphone, please don't bother to call my house phone.

10. And certainly not the last point, if you decided to call me again and again after so many missed calls, please be prepared to be hollered at, by me.

All these crap calls. Who wouldn't be pissed? And God knows where did they get my number from!

"I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter. "

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Yet another disappointment.

This is the nth time that I'm not getting a house. Because all the okay units were all taken up. Only those units with stupid architectural design were up for grabs. Forget it man! I hate HDB! Damn you all!

"I am losing my head."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Songs of the Sea

Finally. Something which I, as a SGer, can be (a little bit) proud of.

It's been a while, like 20 years, since I last watched the Musical Fountain in Sentosa. I could vaguely remember what it was like, except for the splashing water dancing to the rhythm of the music.
But now, for the first time in 20 years, I stepped foot onto what is now known as the Songs of the Sea. Admission fee is 6 SGD. It's like a show akin to those live shows you watch when you go to Disneyland or Warner Brothers or Universal Studios.

Instead of a big stage with fountains, like it was in the past, the Songs of the Sea was aptly staged at the beach near the sea. I was treated to a feast of water works, pyrotechnics, fire works, laser shows and projections on the water fountains. All these displays were cleverly weaved into the story. All my senses were awakened with the sounds of the music and sights of the colourful displays. It was beautiful and mesmerizing. I must say that I was pretty touched. It was better than I had expected. The only nitpick I find was that, since it is a live show, then it would be better for the performers to perform live dialogues and songs, instead of pre-recording. Only then, would this show be comparable to the others worldwide. And it would also make the whole performance richer and fuller.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Oh no. My nomadic syndrome is acting up again. No, no, no, no. I must suppress it!

"Travelling is the greatest non-living love of my life."

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I wonder why can't people be truthful and sincere to one another?
There he is, holding hands with another girl, while the Real McCoy happily thinks that he is the man for her. Pitiful, that such a nice girl should end up with such a lousy person.

"As they say, love is blind."

Another D & D

Yet another Dinner & Dance. This year, it was held in Sentosa's Siloso Beach. A Hawaiian-themed beach party, that is. Food definitely sucked, and can't feed the hundreds of stomachs out there. And they called it a buffet? Food was gone in less than 30 minutes.

The only consolation was that the emcees for the night was the Flying Dutchman and Mark Lee. They were hilarious. And the performance by Singapore's very own drag queen, Kumar, was fantastic. His stand up comedy was, well, as politically incorrect as his image. But he was really funny and I laughed and laughed, with my mouth opened so big you can shove your fist in it.

Other than these, the rest wasn't really worth mentioning.

"SAFETY FIRST: Please put on your seat belt - prepare for accident."

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Lesson Hopefully Learned

I had paid a high price, for trying to be different.

A high price.

"Not in a mood to say anything."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Leopard in Disguised

I've just realised that I behave like a blood-thirsty leopard when I am angry, ready to pounce on anyone who dares make the first move.

No, wait. I've always acted this way.

"Feeling a bit cranky up there lately."

Saturday, November 3, 2007

How to Age Gracefully

First of all and the most important thing of all, take good care of yourself. Take care of your skin, your body, your manners, your appearance, above all, make youself feel good about yourself. For me, I try to dress up and put on make up whenever I can, be it shopping, travelling but not working(my workplace doesn't allow make-up) etc. Buy new clothes and make up to make your look updated, but don't go overboard, or else your better half will be screaming his lungs at you.

When people call you "auntie", don't take it too personally. It's just a title, nothing offensive. When ill-hearted people say you look ugly, has small breasts, big butt or lousy skin, keep cool. How many of us in this world look like supermodels? Very few percentage, apparently. So instead of being angry and starting to lose your confidence, fight those emotions back. Just tell yourself that there is nothing criminally wrong to look that way. Accept the way you look and you would probably feel better. I have already accepted my fate by the way.

The thing is, it's not just about appearances, it's also about your inner-self. Always smile, be courteous, be graceful(although I'm not), be daring, be courageous, be witty and smart with a sense of humor.

That being said, try not to think about what you can or cannot do when you are in this age or that. Just do it, lah. The world is becoming a smaller place so don't restrict too much on what you can do. You can still wear that cute Lolita dress even when you are like, 35 or 40. Or go to school to get that degree or learn a new language or cooking etc.

Hmm, what else? I am also learning to cope with the stress of getting old. But ultimately, a happy life makes one's age seems unimportant, isn't it?

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

After Thoughts Part 4

My brother asked me this question when we arrived in Laos, doing sight-seeing.

"So, do you think you can live in this kind of condition(s)/place(s)?"

I told him that this place(Vientiane) is quite a nice place to stay in, as long as there is hot water and a bathroom for bathing. I don't really care about not having internet access or not seeing any pubs or night shops around. Even if it means sitting in front of my own porch, doing nothing except to listen to the sounds that crickets make during the night, or just star gazing. The same goes for staying in Thailand.

But truth be told, when I think about the loathsome creature which I would have to face if I decided to settle down in Thailand, I feel nauseated. That creature is the lizard. Domestic lizards, that is. That being said, I think that the gecko is the most disgusting reptilian being that I had ever seen. It was humongous, as compared to the house lizard. When I saw a gecko on the terrace restaurant's wall, at a hotel in Udon Thani, I was petrified. I remembered not seeing anything like it when I first sat down on the chair. I only saw a few house lizards. And before I knew it, it was there.

I asked my sis-in-law whether that was a gecko since I had never seen a live one before. She replied that could be some decoratives but I was convinced that it was alive. She then asked the waiter about that creature, and though she was conversing in Thai, I could sense, from her surprised tone, that it was indeed the real thing. I freaked out immediately. The waiter added that the one we saw then was not the biggest, found lurking in the restaurant. A chill just went down my spine, with hairs standing on the back of my neck. And from then on, I can't get the image of that gecko out of my mind. It was black in color, definitely big, with a tail as big as its head, and hanging on the wall.

And the funniest thing was, my sis-in-law, being the funny gal with a weird sense of humor, went over to the gecko and started mimicking a gecko's call. She returned to tell me that it was gone.

Well, with all these said, I would prefer a place with not too many of these reptiles.


My Fortune



  事業方面,在鼠年中,你的運勢大有一洗頹風、重振聲威之勢。今年為你的事業添福添祿的吉星有「紫微」和「龍德」。這兩顆都屬於超級的吉星,羊人得到兩位吉神照耀命宮,代表你在工作上將會萬事亨通、事事順利。   流年有「紫微」星坐命的人士,事業上都會有明顯的進步。今年你是才華沒法擋,雖然你並沒有刻意表現自己,但有榭自然香,你的工作能力大家有目共睹,所以被點名提拔是遲早的事,你將有很多發揮的機會,只要用點心機,便可以事半功倍,創造美好成績,那麼,升遷的日子自然不會遠了。「龍德」這位大貴人,則當你的發展出現阻滯時,祂就會引導你發揮本身的智慧,去圓滿解決困難。   不過,你千萬不要因為流年有吉星照護,就可以橫行霸道,因為在吉星的旁邊,有「暴敗」、「天煞」和「天厄」幾顆凶星在約束著你,令你容易因為工作順利而變得狂妄自大,無矢放的,犯下口舌和失言的禁忌。幸好,你命宮中有一顆「地解」星為你消災化煞,使你到最後也不至於受到嚴重傷害。可是,謙虛始終是一種美德,做人切勿得意忘形,過份自滿。

  財運方面,今年可以四方得到,錢財亨通,原因是你有一顆強而有力的「紫微」大吉星飛臨命宮。今年受薪者會有升職加薪之喜;做生意人士接獲源源不絕的訂單,令你忙得喘不過氣來,但多勞多得,財源廣進。從事不固定收入的朋友,例如保險、物業代理等,今年客似雲來,簽到很多合約,所以賺得特別多佣金。  偏財方面,短線、長線投資都會有微利,不妨運用部份儲蓄來投資保值,將會得到不錯的回報。不過,由於今年你工作繁忙,無暇兼顧其他事情,故此不宜投機或博彩,以免得不償失。






My luck for the Year of the Rat. Not bad on the whole. But like what the fortune says, better not get too conceited. Just work hard and hopefully I will be able to reap the rewards.

"Just take things easy."

Thursday, November 1, 2007

After Thoughts Part 3

Vendors of the floating market.

One of the simple pleasures of the local children.

The Amphana floating night market.

This was one of the many places in Thailand, where the people depended their lives on the river. They bathed in the river, played in the river, made their livelihood in the river. Their only mode of transportation was the boat. This was also the place where we came to see the fireflies.

There was a slight drizzle when we reached there. But luckily the rain stopped just in time for us to see the fireflies. We hired a boat for 600 THB for the 4 of us. Thank goodness for the rain, we saw an abundance of fireflies resting on the trees growing by the river bank. They looked just like LEDs at first glance. But when I saw a firefly flew in the air, I was overwhelmed with a sense of emotion. They are real. They looked like stars against the dimly lit surroundings, blinking and shining. They are beautiful. The whole boat ride lasted one hour and half. And to tell you the truth, this is the first time I had seen fireflies. I feel a bit of sadness when I think about what a city dweller I am, to miss all these simple little happiness in life.

"We should embrace nature more often."