Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I've Failed...Terribly...

... as a wife.

I brought my hubby to some 鳥不拉屎 place and now he's down with suspected food poisoning. He has been vomiting and diarrheaed non-stop since the last day in Cambodia.

I should have placed his safety and health as the number 1 priority, before anything else. I really regretted going there. I am so sorry.

I hope he will be well soon.

"It's all my fault."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Wedding Album

Thank You Everyone!


It's finally over. Suddenly I just felt so light. All the stress and burden were gone from my mind and body. Everything turned out well. I'm glad. And I apologized for not giving any "thank-you" speech during the banquet, though we had initially planned to do so.

But personally, I would like to thank all the guests for gracing our wedding. It was such a memorable and touching experience for me. You cannot imagine how touched I was when one of my poly friends delayed his flight just to attend my wedding, and how ecstatic I was when 2 of my best friends from secondary school showed up and give me hugs (but no kisses).

And all my friends who turned up for the wedding with well wishes and blessings and of course, ang baos, I really thank you all.

To my sisters who had helped me, I couldn't thank you gals enough. Never mind about the broken house key, I hoped you gals had as much fun as I did. I thoroughly enjoyed myself very much.

And of course, the brothers, thank you for accompanying my Hubby, doing all the stupid things. And for doing such a great job arranging the guests for photo taking.

And to those whom I had left out, thank you.

"Luckily marriage is a one-time thing."

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Counting Down...

3 days to go.

Tomorrow collect photo album.

The day after collect flowers and car deco.

And on the 12th, the actual day.

"Not particularly excited. Just normal."