Friday, November 30, 2012

My Very Own Fairy Ring!

Oh well, it didn't grow on my backyard. Well, I didn't have a backyard. But I found this semi fairy ring near the playground! At first I thought it looked very cute, growing in a patterned way. Then I remembered fairy rings and googled it. Turns out to be one alright!

As you can see, it's only half a circle because there's a concrete pathway obstructing the growth of the other half. :(

I'm so happy right now! I feel LUCKY. And by the way, it is also the season of mushrooms! With all the rain, it's not difficult to mushrooms growing in your neighbourhood. I've spotted a few areas where mushrooms grow. And the thing about mushrooms and fungi is, they don't really disappear even though the mushroom is gone, because of the mycelium. Go google if you want to know what that is.

So with that, I'm going to check out these areas every day throughout the year(hopefully) to see if they are there. :) And there are different types of mushrooms but there's no way for me to identify them. :( I have seen at least 4 different types in my area.

Think I will look out for these in other places, like a park or a garden ;) Another project for me yay!

"Sorry I prefer to refer them as "mushrooms" rather than "fungi"."