Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We All Try to Look for the Easy Way Out But...

...guess there are no short-cuts in life.

"... ..."

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Rate the following processes with 1 being extremely tough to 10 being extremely easy.

1. Pregnancy period.
2. Childbirth.
3. Confinement.

1. Pregnancy period.
I shall give it an 8. I was blessed with a rather easy pregnancy with no morning sickness or other pregnancy complications. Everything went smoothly, except for the 21-kg weight gain. I think that was the only time I was able to finish a Mega Double burger meal all by myself.

2. Childbirth.
I don't want to brag. But I rate it a 9 anyways. It was too easy, way too easy, courtesy of an overdose of epidural which left me, from waist down, complete numbness. You could use a knife and stab both my legs repeatedly and I wouldn't feel a thing. Sarcasm intended, by the way.

3. Confinement.
What do you know? The seemingly easy process made to seem like hell break loose. I would rate it a 2. From eating ginger-laden dishes and rice-winey chicken soup to being paranoid about what the confinement lady might do to dear daughter, to not being able to drink plain water, H2O, to not being able to wash my hair... The list goes on and on. It is, by far, the worst experience I have ever had. So bad, I wouldn't want to have a confinement next time if I have a second child. I think I just do what the angmohs do. Heck!

"The journey of motherhood... never ends."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

She Smiled...

This morning dear daughter smiled at me when I kissed her on her cheek!

Ultimate happyness!

幸せよ~!♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ランラン

"Psst, I think she recognizes me."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I covet, yes, covet, a glass of cool, plain water... Help~

"2 more weeks to go. Gambatte!"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An Appeal To Find This Crazy Dog-beating Woman

This happened in Singapore, sad to say.

Pls, if anybody knows who this crazy woman is, report her to the authorities immediately! Better yet, repost this clip using whatever ways possible. This kind of behavior is not to be tolerated!!

"Sad. Humans, that is."

Call Me Shameless...

... but I think our dear daughter is sooo adorable! ⌒(o^▽^o)ノ゚どもども


"May dear daughter grow up strong and healthy and happy ."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yay It's Raining...

... and I hope it won't cause any floods this time. Last time, it rained so heavily that the area just outside the MRT station was flooded, though it subsided as the rain slowed.

"Rain, clear away the dust on my windows!"