Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Time of Peace...

DD is napping, the floors are cleaned, and I am enjoying a piece of brownie and a glass of milk. What more can I ask for?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Daddy/Hubby!

We have been together for 5 years, married for 4 years. Many many more good years to come!

Monday, September 13, 2010

So This Is What It's Like...

... to be a mother.

From waking up every 3 hours just to express breast milk and/or feed DD, to waking up every few minutes just to check on DD, making sure that she is breathing. Ya, no kidding. SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or cot death is freaking me out. And DD was down with flu and cough last week till now, which is really taxing on everybody. I ended up having a flu myself. I dare not pop paracetamol for fear that it might affect DD. If it was the old me, I would have taken MC straight away. But hey, I'm a mother and mothers do not have medical leave!

Everything starts to revolve around DD inevitably. Everything is DD, DD, DD. But of course, she is my precious. Our precious.

On a good day when DD is sound asleep, I can look at her cute chubby face forever; she makes a lot of faces even when asleep. I would take photos of her, and sometimes even videos. I am tired but I could not lay myself to sleep without knowing that someone else would be taking care of her. It's just not safe. You never know when she is going to wake.

Ironically, more than 5 years of graveyard shift did not yield a single dark eye ring on me. Yet, just two months of looking after DD... All I can say is that there are more years to come. But I know it's going to be worth all these.

"You may not believe this but every breath, every sound, even every fart she makes is enough to draw my attention. Mothers are that sensitive."

Monday, September 6, 2010

What Do Babies Dream of...?

I almost had a heart attack when DD suddenly made a loud cry. It came abruptly as DD was soundly asleep. She was having a nightmare, I thought. My mum, dad and I immediately rushed over to her, consoling her, coaxing her. Our hands were all over her; tapping her chest, legs or arms, trying to reassure her that everything was alright. But DD just continued crying, until my mum picked her up.

And the question on my mind was, what was DD dreaming about?

I often see her smiling foolishly while sleeping, only to see her grimacing, as if in pain, next. I would jokingly said,"Ah, she must have a lot of milk in LaLa land because she is smiling." or when she is frowning, "Someone must have taken away all her milk!"

I am curious. Babies sleep most of the time so it's no wonder why they have so many dreams and nightmares. But what do they dream about? I wonder.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

DD Turns Her Head

DD finally exercises her neck muscles when she managed to turn her head from center to left, left to center and from center to right when I let her on the bed, belly down. She is now 8 weeks and 4 days old. Me and Hubby were cheering her on. When she finally did it, she was visually happy and got our kisses as reward. She regurgitated milk after that. Sweet.