Friday, February 11, 2011

Guardian Angel

DD fell off the bed this morning. I was brushing and I heard a crashing sound, followed by a baby's cries. I threw the toothbrush away, still foaming in my mouth, I ran to the bedroom. And there she was, on the floor, on all fours. I quickly scooped DD up and comforted her, crying and telling her I'm sorry, it was all my fault. Then I check her for injuries. No apparent bumps on her head, her fingers and toes were ok. Thank goodness! I thought. But I still feel a sense of guilt from my negligence. I told my mum and she said maybe "someone" held on to DD while she fell, that would explain why she is unhurt. I stopped and pondered over her remarks. That guardian angel would have to be my grandfather! I looked at my grandfather's tablet and said a prayer of thanks, hoping he will continue to watch over DD.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


What happened to "motherly instinct"? Urgh!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I believe that all children were born strong, mind and body. But most parents have the tendency to make their children weak(mind and body) by over-protecting them. Parents just need to love their children unconditionally and they will grow stronger than you can ever imagine.

This is what I believe.