Monday, April 30, 2007

Rest, at last!

It had been a hectic week. I was so busy with work these few days, all because my entire "department" moved house, from one plant to another. Moving house is not always a good thing, mind you. In my context, this translates into: more machine downtime, shorter breaks and prolonged backaches.

I remembered once, I was so tired and overworked that my butt hurt, literally. It was like working out on the stairs master for 1 hour, continuously. But I am glad that things have started to slow down and stablise a bit.

I went swimming this morning with two other girlfriends. Boy, it was sure relaxing, even though I swam 10 laps in 30 minutes. Hmmm... is that too much or too little? Anyways, whatever little amount of calories that I burnt, I think I managed to put them on again, by eating KFC. Bother.

Anyways, I will rest today, maybe go for a bit of shopping even? After all, it is my rest day.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

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