Suigintou(Mercury Lampe) and Shinku( Reiner Rubin), Pullip.

Suiseiseki(Jade Stern) and Souseiseki(Lapislazuri Stern), Twin Sisters, Pullip.

Barasuishou(Rozenkristall), Pullip.

Hina Ichigo(Klein Beere) and Kanaria(Kanarienvogel), Dal.

And, Kirakishou(?), Pullip.

Actually there are 8 of them, including Kirakishou.
These are the eight dolls from the manga/anime, Rozen Maiden. Don't ask me about the story, you can check it out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Rozen_Maiden_characters. Aren't they cute? So pretty and pristine looking. Their faces look different from one another, and the details of the clothing and accessories are meticulously well-made. They are expensive though. One costs about a little over 100SGD and some may be more expensive.
I already have 3 mini pullips, bought from Macau. I should have bought the Suiseiseki doll when I saw it in Hong Kong, costing less than 100 SGD. But that's about the only one that I saw. I am interested in getting the Kirakishou. Seems like this doll/character is pretty much neglected in the anime version.
Interested in Pullip dolls already? Check out this site http://www.magmaheritage.com/Maidenrozen_shinkupullip.html. It's local and they have a sort of museum showcasing Pullip dolls. I have yet to visit there. Was afraid a trip down there will leave a hole in my pocket. Sigh.
"Why are all my hobbies so expensive?"
I like this quote, La via esta duro, amigo.
kakie produkty sposobstvuyut potencii
Really marvelous doll. I love this Pullip doll and I just collect my new Pullip at PIJ. Really attractive doll. Love this Pullip very much.
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