Friday, April 16, 2010

秋天别来 - 侯湘婷

I first heard this song a few years ago. I was working OT that day, and napping at the canteen during break time. Suddenly, a loud but soothing music erupted from the jukebox. I woke up and realised that I was alone in the canteen. Everybody else went back to work. But I stayed on and finished listening to the song.

I fell in love with the song immediately.

But I wasn't well-versed in the mandarin music scene. I had no idea what song was that and who sang it. I tried asking friends, with me attempting to hum the chorus but to no avail. Finally, today, I saw someone singing this song on a Taiwanese show!

It is a beautiful song. I especially love the piano accompaniment at the beginning.

"Best listened alone. Just you and the song."

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