Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Glad to Announce...

... that the haze has cleared! I can bring DD out again.

"Finally they are doing something."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This DD...

*shakes head*


Told her cannot watch TV...

"TV is bad for you."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ah Zhu's Kong Bah Bao

 Look at the fatty meat!

The bun completes it.

Let's have a taste. Wow~

So nice~~~!

There you have it, Ah Zhu's kong bah bao. Simply delicious. Heavenly taste. The fatty meat just melts in my mouth~ slurp!

Note: Ah Zhu is my mum.

"Who's afraid of being fat?"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Plain Kiasu or Ignorant?

I signed DD up for a Coverpage Baby Photo Contest by Today's Motherhood. It's pretty simple. You subscribe to their mailing list and upload a photo of your child(below 5 years). The photos will be judged internally and decisions are final.

2. Only ONE photo per child (multiple entries will be deleted)

Yup, that is one of the rules of the contest, and one that is horrendously ignored. If you have free time(like me), you can browse through all the participants(which I did), and you will find there are numerous multiple entries. Some entries are with the same photo, which I assumed is because maybe the system had a hiccup that is why some parents submitted the same photo twice. But some, I would have to say are just kiasu parents who badly wanted their children to win. If they are not kiasu, then I am flabbergasted by the literacy level of SG parents. Look at the number of photos that they send per child. Wah lau eh so many! And so many different poses even! C'mon it's only a contest. Even Hubby and I enter DD with a pinch of salt, just for fun.

As the contest will be judged internally, the results might be fixed. Who knows?

"Take things easy, dear parents."

New Look - Mori Style

I'm into this Mori Girl( 森ガール) thingy nowadays so I decided that my blog also needs a face-lift. Very foresty, no? Well that is exactly what Mori Girl style represents. Below are 60 rules that define a Mori Girl.

- You like Q-Pot cake shape accessories
- You like loose looking one piece (yes i do)
- You wear one-piece dress and skirt as everyday dresses. (i would love to)
- You like quirky clothes in a natural looking type fashion (nothing like loudy and or flashy)(yup)
- You care about the fabric
- You Like ethnic clothes (yup)
- You’re attracted to Nothern Europe and want to travel over there one day (lol yup)
- One of your friends told you “you look like a girl in the forest” (without laughing)
- Your clothes describes a A silhouette (well yeah)
- You like to mix deep colors, dark red, dark green, brown…
- Warm colors fit you well
- You like cushy knits, furs and hats with volume(yup)
- You like poncho and bolero (yup)
- You’re not into super sweet fashion (cos I'm an old hag)
- You are a girl with a soft mood (or you’re longing for being one)(the latter)
- You are a girl that gives the impression of transparency (or you’re longing for being one)
- People say you constantly give the impression of a gentle mood
- You like blouses with puffed sleeves(yup)
- You prefer golden accessories to silver ones(yup)
- You like leather bags(yup)
- You like necklaces with large motifs like loupes.(yup)
- You use pochettes for everything
- You’re attracted to old things(yup)
- You like fob watch
- You like animal motifs(yup)
- You like dots and checks(yup)
- You like retro flower prints(yup)
- You like tights and long johns
- In winter you put on your ear muffs
- Your perfume has flower essence
- You like lavanda
- You don’t make up a lot but you like round pink cheeks(yup)
- You prefer natural buttons made of wood or horn(yup)
- Your wear flat shoes most of the time (cos they are comfy for my big feet)
- You prefer round toes shoes(yup)
- If you wear sneakers you turn them into sleepers
- You like to wrap up in stoles and mufflers(sure)
- You like hand-made accessories(yup)
- You like fairy tales(love them!)
- You like white color(I'm cool)
- In winter you wear turtle neck
- You are loose permed hair Or hair in a bob (yup, I even got wigs)
- You like laces(sure)
- You’re a pale skin complexion
- You’d like to be compared to a Russian doll
- Mori Girls are different from “Lolita and so”
- You’re girly
- Your magazines are Fudge, Spoon, So-En and Spur
- You like brands like Tsumori Chisato, Cocue and Cuccia
- You also like Fellissimo, but especially the labels Syrup and Snow
- You like to spare your time in cafés
- You’re a kind of collector(toys)
- You like to take a walk your camera in one hand(dslr)
- You can spare time in grocery stores
- You feel more at ease with short nails.(cos I wear contacts and long nails poke my eyes)
- You’re happy to find cute books in bookshops(yup)
- Spending time in furniture store gives you pleasure thrills(sure)
- You like winter and autumn seasons(yes!)
- You think that Honey and Clover fits to Mori Girl, and consider Hagu as one of them(yup)
- You think that Shizuru Satonaka from “Simply, I love you” is also a Mori Girl

The above "rules" are taken from Tokyo Fashion and Art Factory. It is a cool blog by the way, so take a look at it.

"I'm definitely a Mori Girl, or Hag."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's A+ Alright.

Unknowingly, I did an experiment which proves(sort of) a rumor that I heard of, to be true.

So the three of us, Daddy, DD and Mummy were sleeping on the same bed, in the same room. Incidentally, Daddy is B+ type, DD is AB+ type and Mummy is A+ type. We slept with the air-condition on, and I switched it off in the middle of the night. Then I started to hear mozzies buzzing around my ears. I went back to sleep anyways. The next thing I knew when I woke up was to find numerous mozzies bites on my neck, shoulder and arm.

I asked Daddy whether he had been bitten by the mozzies and he said no. I went on to inspect DD's body, arms and legs and found nothing. I was bewildered. You mean I am the ONLY one in the house who had been bitten by mozzies? And I recalled that it is not the first time. I heard something from a Taiwan talk show that mozzies prefer to suck A+ blood. At that time I was like, yeah right. Though I admit that I had been frequently "kissed" by mozzies ever since I was a little girl, I didn't think that it would be because of my blood-type.

Clearly, it has to be my blood type, A+.

"Anyways I am glad that the mozzies did not attack DD, phew."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Be Involved

I thought I gave Hubby some very good advice yesterday. I told him, "If you do not intend to get involved with DD's life now, don't expect to get involved with her life when she grows older." 

One cousin told me to enjoy the time spent with DD now because babies grow up very fast. Before you even notice, she will be 1 year old, 5 years old, 10 years old, and soon she will become a teenager. Now try bonding with a teenager if your foundation is not good to begin with. 

I take her word to my heart, for I know this is the truth. That is why I am telling Hubby this. Do the right thing, or regret later. You cannot reverse the growth stages of your child. Once past, it is past. I am beginning to think that being a stay-at-home-mum has its perks now. At least you get to watch your kid grow.

"The bond grows too."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

我是谁 我是谁 我是谁


“The most beautiful...”