Saturday, May 5, 2007

Freedom Writers

I had just watched The Freedom Writers and I thought that it was really inspiring. I then searched the web for The Freedoms Writers and came across this poem at the forum. It was written by someone, by the nickname, Harmony. I thought it is a really cool poem. It's a bit long though.

Be Yourself

Like a rushing river
discussion flows
each group pretends
they do not pose

Each person has a mask
black or white
he hides what he thinks
is a horrible sight

but this sight is not gruesome
nasty or bad
it's his true self
the single one to be had

In each person
young or old
is something beautiful
creative or bold

but it, he chooses to hide
so that no one may see
his true self is shameful
something dreadful to be!

Instead he pretends
and yes, he is good
not one person can see
the eyes behind his hood

He works and he works
until he is fooled
his true self is no more
he's officially "cool"

He ignores all his talents
his brains and his gifts
until he's accepted,
well...that's what he wished!

But later on he awakens
and opens his eyes
to find that he's nothing
but a foolish disguise

He see's not worth
and all around there is grief
his talent is wasted
like a dead leaf

he despairs and he crys
and then soon he finds
relief in something else
that's been on his mind

His dad always keeps one
in case of the need
to defend his own family
in event of an evil deed

The boy opens the drawer
and takes it out slowly
oh please, please don't do it!
for the sake of all that's holy!

*BANG* there it goes.
and he falls to the floor
his mask peels off,
not needed anymore

underneath it is pain
written on every feature
his eyes soft and innocent
he'd never harm a creature

but on the floor there he lies
the blood slowly seeps out
he did this to himself
we all say, without a doubt

but is this really true
or are we a part of this?
did we drive him to this deed,
and will we, him miss?

If only he'd had hope,
we all say with shaking heads
if only he'd tried harder
he wouldn't lie there dead

There's a lesson you can learn
from this story of the mask
hang on, don't get all bored on me,
here goes, here's your task:

every person has his talents
his personality, his gifts
our job is to bring them out
and his spirit, to uplift

forcing a person into a label
is torture,'s cruel!
let him be himself and then
in his own way, he'll be cool

Lend a listening ear
be open and be nice
and when the time calls for it
maybe lend him some advice!

But don't judge one another
we're each as different as the seasons
if a person doesn't like you
he has his own reasons

And always help each other out
and always be yourself
throw away your masks
don't put them on a shelf

for there might come a time someday,
when you want to just fit in
and may be tempted to put on your mask
but don't do it, don't give in!

Be yourself I say,
don't be afraid to shine
so that people will know you for who you are
and what you are, inside.

"Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

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